Remote Working, Securely

Loxada enables remote workers to connect from home securely, safely and in a way that demonstrates compliance with any regulatory requirements you have.

What is Loxada?

The Loxada system combines secure, automatically updated routers in users’ homes with an enterprise-grade VPN connection that can only be accessed by you and your team.

The best way to protect yourself, your company, team, and clients when working away from the office is to have a completely separate, secure, network for each team member that can only be used for work, Loxada provides this and more.

Whether your team is fully remote, only occasionally works from home or is somewhere in between Loxada can help.

Loxada quickly and simply creates a safe and secure separate work network users' homes. It’s easy to set up, manage and maintain – giving you and your remote workers the flexibility to manage their workload as securely as if they were in the office.
